September 30, 2017

Fermilab Prairie Project – Volunteer Harvest
Twice each fall the Roads and Grounds Department organizes and conducts a public volunteer seed harvesting. This has become very popular with local citizens already involved in restoration, and people who are just beginning to learn the importance of conservation activities. This year IN2@IMSA is dedicating Green Apple Day of Service to this project and we are taking our volunteers to Fermilab National Laboratory.

Green Apple Day of Service Lunch and Learn
Upon return to IMSA we will enjoy a lunch and learn mini series with 30 minute presentation sessions from IMSA Club Terra, Fox Valley Beekeepers Association and Kane County Agriculture Program. Volunteers can rotate to each session as you choose over the 1 hour time slot. Our lunch and learn is designed to educate volunteers on environmental careers and our responsibilities as protectors of our planet.


Students attended


Staff attended


Additional Volunteers attended


Students will be impacted this year

Intended impact of project

Reduced environmental impact
Increased environmental & sustainability literacy

Impact of project

Energy and/or water conservation
Environmental restoration
Improved environmental & sustainability literacy

More impact of project

Prairie restoration is an ecologically friendly way to restore some of the prairie land that was lost to industry, farming and commerce. For example, the U.S. state of Illinois alone once held over 35,000 square miles (91,000 km2) of prairie land and now just 3 square miles (7.8 km2) of original prairie land exist. Our group set out to do their part to restore our states natural prairie system located on the Fermilab campus.